Thursday, October 11, 2012

Can infographics help us understand content strategy better?

(week 4 - assignment post)

Infographics are an increasingly popular way to present data. They are great because information can be organized quick, simple and in a creative manner. The use of images are always more appealing to the audience's eyes versus presenting in pure words. However, is it a useful tool to teach the audience about "content strategy"?

Here I compare a few infographics I was able to find over the internet. I found it interesting that there is not many content strategy for social media infographics available on the internet. Assuming this is because using social media as a PR and/or marketing tool has only started to become important recently.

Content strategy sandwich

This content strategy infographic immediately caught my attention when I was searching for images. The arrangement of a “sandwich” was a clever portrayal of how to a PR practitioner can easily content strategy. This is a very straight forward image which clearly shows what it is about. It is organized well and a legend is provided with description of how content who be used accordingly.  This one focuses on centering the audience and building the sandwich around them. I thought that was rather accurate since the ultimate goal of social media is to engage users and use content that will call to action. The only point it is missing is providing additional information on what type of content works well on digital and social media.

The anatomy of content marketing

Unlike the first infographic, this one includes more valuable information and data on content marketing. It shows statistics of social media users and how they interact with brands, as well as how it influences their participation with their online community and brand relation. Despite the difficulty of being able to read the small fonts, it is well organized in sections. It creatively uses the anatomy of the body in the centre of the image, representing again, the audience which is always the primary focus. This image also has a strong focus on leveraging online communities through blogs, using thought leadership and influencers to increase reach.

The 7 elements of smart content

I found this infographic effective because of the flow of information laid out. It touches on all the important points of content strategy. It is straight to the point and highlights key words like informative, entertaining, consistent, call to action and measurable. This image is lacking statistics and data, it’s hard to trust the information without references to research.

 Using infographics are great for quick information and its ability to share amongst peers easily. However, I think using it to explain or teaching people on content strategy may be too limited. Content strategy is very important for social media platforms. More data needs to be researched and understood by PR practitioners. Although they are great to quick present a topic it, it is not useful to fully understand everything about content strategy.


  1. Great examples of content strategy diagrams - I also used the burger in my post because I thought it just resonated so well. Your last example of "the 7 elements..." is also extremely effective and provides a bit more detail and specifics than the burger diagram, which is helpful when you are looking for a bit more "meat" behind the different elements that make up content strategy. It is super easy to read and follow, visually appealing and just plain brilliant!

  2. I find with infographics some creators can get too carried away with the graphics, words and just too overly excited about putting too many elements on there to make it look "pretty" without realizing it's too much "fluff". I liked these examples because of the simplicity. I'm sure that's the true reason why we both selected the burger diagram because of it's simplicity and straight forward message.
